Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cornbread and a smile

So I'm only 13 days into this and you're probably beginning to think that all we do is eat and watch basketball. Well, it kind of feels that way, too. With two kids in the sport and a Big XII team to support (it's a family thing), shuffling between practices and games only leaves time for two other things...eating and sleeping. Since we're not usually sleeping at 7:15PM, that leaves eating and basketball this time of year.

Tonight, Amber helped out in the kitchen and made the most amazing cornbread muffins. They were dee-lish! So, tonight she is the star of the blog! I would buy a bag of them and pay 25¢ a piece. That's quite a profit when the mix cost less than a dollar.


Ginny M said...

I just found your blog a couple of days ago, and I love it! Great idea...

Mike said...

Thanks! I hope you come back and visit often, if not daily.