Monday, February 1, 2010

Counting pennies

Amber's class is collecting coins for the local Pennies for Patients campaign. Individual classes raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by collecting spare change, bills, and checks. Each school runs a three-week campaign in hopes of becoming one of the top fundraising schools in Kansas. Classes compete against each other with fun activities such as: Kick-Off Assemblies, Penny Wars, Bake Sales, Spirit Days, and Online Fundraising. The top classroom of each participating school will be awarded with a Pizza Party. So, Amber made this collection jar for our family to donate any spare change we might have and carefully labeled it "Pennies for Patients mony". She loves to help others. She even donated some of her own money! What could I do? I took the change from the cup-holder in my car and donated to the cause.

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