Monday, May 17, 2010

Heavy Chickens

Went to the farm supply store looking for turtle food. A1 found a baby turtle on the baseball diamond last night. He thought it was a dirt clod and was about to kick it when it stuck out it's head and legs. What a trip, huh? So, we have a turtle in the back Claude, of course. Anyway, all of the spring geese, turkeys and chickens were out on display. These chicks are assorted heavies. I called a farmer friend to ask what a heavy chicken was. I got the answer you'd expect I'd get after asking a question like that. It was like asking "What's a henweigh?" (It's an old joke so you surely know the answer.) So, I looked up what a heavy was on my vast and unpaid research department called the Internet. I found this. That picture above will either make you very sad, or very hungry.

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