Thursday, May 13, 2010

Living Wax Museum

Tonight we spent the evening talking with Lucille Ball, Mickey Mantle, Joan of Arc, Hippocrates, Michael Jackson, Laura Ingalls Wilder and other great people from history. The school has an event each year that we've attended for a couple of years now. It's what they call a living wax museum. The kids choose a historical (not hysterical) person to profile and they then become that character. They all have colored stickers on their hands. If there's someone you're interested in hearing about, you push their "button" (or colored sticker) and the presentation begins. They have to speak for at least 90 seconds. It's a pretty cool project that provided a good hour of entertainment for our family, and possibly helped A1 prepare for his turn next year.

1 comment:

junebug said...

Love that idea. Sounds like a blast.